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Questions and Answers


Do you have a quick one off question about how you can make an instant improvement in your life? 
Use my GuestBook to ask a question.  And I will post your question with possible solutions here.


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 Question from Nadine:  
I have a question about weight loss. I want to lose weight, I really do, I just keep sabotaging it. Im exercising heaps, but snacking a lot on totally the wrongs foods. Any suggestions?
Response: Firstly congratulations for setting out on a positive path for you.  It sounds like you have put many steps in place towards your goal already.  Have a go at listing your personal values, what do you value the most in life, is it Family, wellbeing, career.  Brainstorm as many as possible.  Then reduce the list to your top five, and if you can see if you can find your topmost value.  How does weightloss effect what you value most? Is there motivation in this?  Such as being healthy for your Family. 
Make sure your goal is SMART- have you written down a Specific, Measurable (what is your goal weight?), Achievable, Realistic and Timed (when will you achieve this goal).
Don't get hung up on weighing yourself, give yourself check in days such as once a week.  And focus on the positive.  You have come across a small pothole in the road to weightloss.